In order to reduce the risk of a patient suffering an embolism during treatment for a stroke or heart attack, the STENT-NET project proposes a new approach based on the implantation of a bioabsorbable mesh with slow-release capability to safely deliver the correct dose of a post-operative drug.
The overall goal which the project seeks to achieve is the development of a functional prototype stent with a coating of a biodegradable nanofibre mesh which can release post-operative drugs. The successfully developed prototype must possess the following properties:
- Maintain the mechanical properties of the stent and its re-crossing ability.
- Slow release of pharmaceuticals to prevent restenosis and thrombosis (anti-proliferative drugs from the limus family).
- Maintain blood flow through the side vessels which may be covered by the stent.
- It must be bioabsorbable.
- Prevent the risk of embolisation.
In order to successfully achieve the project’s objectives, the stent will be developed using electrospinning technology which allows the creation of a polymer nanofibre veil by applying a high electrical current to a precursor polymer solution which can easily be additivated with the proposed limus pharmaceuticals. The ultimate goal is to develop a new stent based on those which are already commercially available and which incorporates a coating of biodegradable nanofibres strong enough to withstand the mechanical requirements, release drugs and prevent the risk of embolisation after implantation.
The project is funded by the Conselleria d’Economia Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç i Treball of the Generalitat Valenciana through IVACE, and co-funded by the EU ERDF within the ERDF Operational Programme of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020. FILE: IMDEEA/2017/35