Home R+D Technological innovations in obtaining new composite materials: 3D printing

Technological innovations in obtaining new composite materials: 3D printing



The goals of the ESPRINT project are focused on ways of providing the textile industry with added-value factors through the introduction and use of new 3D printing technology including Melt Deposition Technique (MDT) with double extruder, Continuous Fibre Reinforcing (CFR) and Digital Light Processing (DLP) using photosensitive resins.
To fulfil these objectives, work will be completed in a variety of research lines depending on the expected developments:

  • Research and development of new technical monofilaments obtained through the functionalisation of a range of thermoplastic matrices to enhance the mechanical properties of printed components and the processability of the filament during the printing process.
  • Printing materials that have been reinforced with high-performance fibre with enhanced mechanical properties, using the surface functionalisation of continuous and cut filament carbon fibre.
  • The development of new textile products with a high added-value factor which can be processed easily, cheaply and quickly.
    During additive manufacturing, prototypes are constructed layer by layer, using the different constituent materials, to obtain highly-complex 3D structures with optimised dimensions.

The project is funded by the Conselleria d’Economia Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç i Treball of the Generalitat Valenciana through its IVACE programme, and co-funded by the EU’s ERDF within the framework of the ERDF Programme of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020.  FILE: IMDEEA/2017/36

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