I + D / Acabados técnicos, salud, confort, deporte y medio ambiente
Year: 2021
With the aim of reducing the ecological impact, both in terms of energy consumption and water consumption, and eliminating any waste from the different dyeing and finishing processes, the project intends to replace chemicals, synthetic dyes, chemical and functional finishes, with sustainable products that have a similar performance to chemicals.
- To develop dyes with new types of colourants from microorganisms (microalgae, bacteria, fungi) for subsequent study for their industrial and fashion applications.
- Growing bacteria with fabric-dyeing properties to achieve dyeing without etching, and the extraction of the pigment for dyeing by conventional and micronised systems.
- Study of the extraction processes for the study and possible implementation in a pilot plant, for which a study of bioreactors will be required to cultivate the microorganisms.
- Continuation of the research into dyes and functionalisation with aromatic plant extracts. Using previous studies to obtain functional dyes from the extracts, and industrially reproducible formulations for both conventional and micronised processes.
- To obtain regular dyes with good fastness for use in the textile industry, industrial feasibility study, and studies of the environmental benefits that the use of the different microorganisms may entail.
- Obtaining formulations for each type of micro-organism for conventional and micronised systems.
- Obtaining functional finishes on fabrics with aromatic plants with different concentrations, and at the same time studying the colour of the plants.
- Create large scale formulations.
- Pricing study per dye to understand the feasibility of extracting pigments in our facilities with the help of the bioreactor.
This project is funded by the Conselleria d’Economia Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç i Treball de la Generalitat Valenciana, through IVACE.
Additional Information
- Grant number: IMAMCI/2021/1
- Year: 2021
- Status: Finished
- Entity: IVACE