The European project CRE@CTIVE – Innovation to provide creativity for the reactivation of traditional Mediterranean sectors focuses on driving creativity in SMEs involved in traditional manufacturing sectors (textile, footwear and leather), which is a key to growing prosperous business opportunities.
Creative innovation will enable manufacturers of textile, footwear and leather articles to update their product lines and improve their position and competitiveness in global markets.
The expected results include:
- The participation of 48 companies at cross-border trade events
- The creation of 6 business models to support new innovative ideas, business models and services
- The creation of 16 new commercial solutions
- The development and introduction of a governing model to strengthen traditional sectors and provide innovative business support for companies, enabling them to compete better in the market.
- The organisation of 6 seminars on cooperation exchange for civil servants, public sector bodies and economic agents.
- The creation of 6 regional observatories to provide initiative, cooperation and dialogue and to establish innovation finance policies and programmes.
The project has a total budget of 3.2 M€ (90 per cent of which – 2.9 M€, provided by the EU through its ENI CBC Med programme)
File: B_A.1.2_0022 -CRE@CTIVE
“This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union in the framework of the ENI CBC Programme. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the authors, and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the management structures of the Programme.”