LIGHTCOMP 2020 aims to develop functional lightweight composites with properties including heating, lighting and even the ability to measure physical parameters using integrated sensors.
León Grau García, Vice President of AITEX since 2016, was appointed President of the Institute at an Extraordinary Assembly held on June 19. Rafael Pascual Bernabeu has held this position for the last four years.
The main objective is to identify the training needs of the textile sector and provide a joint academic response at European level to the needs of the clothing and fashion industries.
In April, the EU updated the list of standards to be used as test methods to demonstrate compliance with nickel release according to REACH Annex XVII, entry 27.
On 9th March 2021, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launched its first public consultation of 2021 on eight proposals for substances of very high concern (SVHC).
AITEX is drawing up a Sustainability and Circular Economy Guide specifically for the textile sector in which the most relevant aspects to be taken into account by companies will be dealt with in separate chapters.
The restrictions announced for Nonylphenol and its ethoxylates in 2016, through regulation 2016/26, came into force on 3 February 2021.
In response to the needs and challenges that this change represents for the textile sector, AITEX has created a Technical Unit for Sustainability and Circular Economy that will work transversally along three lines of action: R+D, Laboratories and Training.