AITEX Terra Trail, the first high mountain race in the regions of l’Alcoià, El Comtat i la Vall d’Albaida is held from January 20 to 23, 2023. Find out all the news and participation data.
Guarantee the sun protection factor with AITEX. Cosmetic laboratory services for SPF factor. The test that certifies protection against the sun.
This event highlighted how programming on the one hand and territorial synergies on the other are indispensable conditions for effectively addressing both the protection of water resources and the optimization of the sustainable potential of water reuse
AITEX is present at the Babykid FIMI fair at Feria Valencia from January 26 to 28, presenting tests and certifications for children’s products.
OEKO-TEX® launches the new regulations for its certifications for 2023: The integration of the BHive® into STeP, the new OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON certification and the voluntary self-assessment mandatory for all production sites from April 2023.
AITEX has celebrated the fourth edition of its Business Awards, to promote the revitalization of the business fabric, be it in the textile and cosmetic field, as well as in the rest of the sectors.
AITEX, through the AGROMATTER NETWORK, has organized a conference on AGROMATTER in which new developments of highly sustainable technical materials derived from by-products or waste from the agricultural industry have been presented.
The impact of microplastics in the current cosmetic industry: what global regulatory initiatives should be implemented to improve the environment.