Creation of textiles designed to eliminate bacteria, fungus, mites and other types of parasites from their own surface or from any surface with which they come into contact. [+] Info: …
Developments that incorporate active ingredients which are beneficial for the skin and which are transmitted through direct contact. [+] Info:
Los componentes del interior del automóvil han de reunir propiedades que no sólo aseguren la calidad final del producto, sino también la seguridad y el confort para el usuario. Las …
In this field, research is aimed at items such as coverings, awnings, marquees and canvas structures etc., for use in outdoor public areas. Work is carried out on improving the …
The components used in vehicle interiors must include characteristics that not only ensure end-product quality but also passenger safety and comfort. Carpets and flooring represent approximately 39% of vehicle upholstery …
The inclusion of nanotechnology in finished products allows new or improved functions and features to be obtained. The nano-dispersal of functional particles affords greater penetration in textile fibres, as well …
La inclusión de nanotecnología en los productos de acabado permite obtener nuevas o mejoradas prestaciones. La dispersión a nivel nanométrico de partículas funcionales permite una mayor penetración de éstas en …
Investigaciones en textiles con propiedades anti-corte que cubran diferentes requerimientos. Por una parte, se estudia cómo alcanzar niveles de resistencia al corte por cuchilla en una sola capa de tejido …
Research into textiles with anti-shear properties which meet different requirements. We are studying how to achieve levels of resistance to knife cuts with just one layer of material which would …
La Incorporación de aditivos en la producción de fibras mono y bicomponente con aplicaciones en el sector quirúrgico y hospitalario mediante la incorporación de agentes biocidas, fármacos, productos cosméticos.