Many sports today are played on textile-based composites or artificial turf surfaces; football, golf, hockey and rugby among others. These offer economical and environmental advantages over natural surfaces and at …
Protective clothing such as boots, gloves, helmets, protective jackets and other products with applications in different risk environments are researched by the Institute to improve their properties and to ensure …
Recognising fashion trends, design management, logistics or new technologies with applications in fashion design are some of the fields in which AITEX is active, as well as any other factor …
All the activities that comprise the textile value chain, from fibre production through spinning and weaving to the finishing and making up processes are under constant investigation and AITEX can …
En este ámbito de aplicación, las investigaciones se dirigen hacia productos tales como cubiertas, toldos, carpas o lonas, entre otros artículos textiles de aplicación en espacios públicos a la intemperie, …
Research into these materials, used in civil engineering projects, looks at the products from every aspect to ensure that they meet all current legislation. Working in close collaboration with …
Los productos de naturaleza textil contribuyen de manera decisiva en la práctica del deporte y las actividades de ocio, y en este contexto el Instituto trabaja para mejorar el confort …
Textiles are of prime importance in sport and leisure activities and AITEX is constantly striving to improve wearer comfort in all sports disciplines, including the degree of protection offered by …
Estos materiales, utilizados para la ejecución de proyectos de obra civil, son investigados desde todos los parámetros y exigencias que han de cumplir atendiendo a la normativa a la que …
AITEX uses its specialist knowledge to research new textile products for the home to develop new, higher added-value products with innovative properties, new trends or textile solutions for new functional …