


  •   Research into these materials, used in civil engineering projects, looks at the products from every aspect to ensure that they meet all current legislation. Working in close collaboration with …

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  • Los productos de naturaleza textil contribuyen de manera decisiva en la práctica del deporte y las actividades de ocio, y en este contexto el Instituto trabaja para mejorar el confort …

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  • Textiles are of prime importance in sport and leisure activities and AITEX is constantly striving to improve wearer comfort in all sports disciplines, including the degree of protection offered by …

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  • Habitat


    AITEX uses its specialist knowledge to research new textile products for the home to develop new, higher added-value products with innovative properties, new trends or textile solutions for new functional …

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  • Los productos textiles para el hábitat son objeto de investigaciones a través de las diversas áreas de conocimiento, para el desarrollo de nuevos productos de mayor valor añadido y con …

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  • This area includes textile products for personal hygiene and cosmetics such as nappies, handkerchiefs, wet wipes, cotton buds, sanitary towels etc.  AITEX studies and improves the product’s properties including the …

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  • En este ámbito quedan enmarcados productos textiles para la higiene personal y cosmética tales como pañales, toallitas, pañuelos, bastonicllos, compresas, etc., que desde AITEX, se estudian y mejoran sus propiedades …

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  • Clothing textiles are studied from every aspect: the use of new raw materials, new yarns and finishing processes that can confer new properties or improve comfort or in general any …

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