Home R+D The textile industry and electronics applied to the creation of new functional materials

The textile industry and electronics applied to the creation of new functional materials



The SMARTCOMP project provides an opportunity to make advances in the field of composite materials by applying smart textile technology. The incorporation of these textile structures reinforces the composite, while improving its thermal properties.

The project focuses on the development of smart textile structures – in other words, the incorporation of textronic elements – to develop multifunctional heat-stable composites.

In recent years, R+D of textiles for use in composites has been studying the creation of textile structures with enhanced mechanical performance and low manufacturing costs. The field of textiles offers a range of exciting possibilities for fabrics with innovative multifunctional properties to enhance composite materials.

The challenge facing this R+D project is the creation of a range of smart textiles which can be integrated into a multi-layer laminated or resin-injected composite structure. This requires the textile component to be both heat-resistant and compatible with the manufacturing processes involved in the composites industry, including the heat-stable resins it typically employs.

The project is funded by the Conselleria d’Economia Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç i Treball de la Generalitat Valenciana through IVACE, and co-funded by the EU’s ERDF, within the ERDF Operational Programme of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020.  FILE: IMDEEA/2017/7

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